Faith Formation

Our mission is to provide a space, formation, and direction for:

  • prayer practices faith-sharing pilgrimages, retreats, quiet days, and spiritual direction
  • labyrinth experiences: guided walks for healing, discernment as well as open space to explore the unitive work of the labyrinth
  • opportunities for mindfulness like yoga and tai chi held here at CCP and sponsored by Lake Oswego Parks and Recreation.


Listen to God’s call

Give yourself the space to hear God’s voice and let yourself be drawn deeper into your relationship with God.

There numerous ways to find the sacred in your everyday life:

  • Labyrinth – Take a mini-pilgrimage of contemplative prayer
  • Spiritual Direction — Work with a spiritual guide as you build your relationship with God
  • Prayer Line — Offer prayer support to others
  • Centering Prayer — Join in meditative, silent prayer
  • Faith Sharing Groups — Traveling a faith journey together
  • Memorial Garden — Finding the spiritual in nature