
Sunday Mornings during the regular school year we offer programs for kids of all grades and invite your kids into a community of learning and friendship. 

Our Programs

The parish nursery is a loving and safe place for the littlest members of our community.  We are staffed weekly with an adult supervisor and 1-2 teen babysitters. 
The nursery is open during the 10 am Sunday services. Our staff are background checked and trained.

Sunday School
We offer weekly Sunday School classes for children preschool through grade 5.  Kids begin in their classroom at 10:00 am for a lively lesson staffed by a faithful group of adult volunteers.  We join the parish community at the time of communion. 

Middle/High School
“The Sacred Donut” is a 30-minute segment that follows the 10 am service in which students explore their week past and their week ahead.  Thought-provoking questions, personal sharing when comfortable, and games are what help us to connect to each other, to God, and to the world.  All this, while consuming a donut or two. The Sacred Donut breaks for the summer and returns in the Fall.



Our Seasonal Events

  • Epiphany Party In January, we celebrate the arrival of the Kings in Bethlehem with a party!  We have fun activities for kids during the Sunday School hour which includes the hunt for treasures hidden inside of cupcakes!
  • Project Linus is a beloved program with a mission to provide love, a sense of security and warmth to children who are seriously ill, traumatized, or otherwise in need through the gift of handmade blankets made by volunteers of all ages.  We have been supporting them at Christ Church for nearly 25 years!  Each Lenten season, the kids in Sunday School spend their education hour making no-sew blankets with the donated fleece from our parishioners.  We have donated close to 500 blankets in our 25  year span which has added to the whopping number of nearly 10 million blankets donated in total since 1995.
  • In The Footsteps of Jesus is a kid friendly walk through the events of Holy Week and Easter.  We use all of our senses to imagine what that week was like for Jesus and all the people who surrounded him.  Footsteps is held each Palm Sunday during the Sunday School hour.
  • Easter Egg Hunt Each Saturday morning before Easter Sunday, we scatter about 1800 candy-filled eggs inside and outside of the church for a friendly hunt among kids up through grade 5.  We throw in some fun ways to hunt as well as some rules for kindness and generosity.
  • Pentecost Party is our chance to experience the Holy Spirit and the birth of the church.  Fun activities for kids during the Sunday School hour help make this feast day memorable.
  • Homecoming Sunday and Blessing of the Backpacks After a full summer of vacations and other fun, we celebrate the start of the school year for kids and adults with special prayers over all the tools we use during the school year.  We honor teachers and students of every age.  We reconnect with one another over a potluck lunch and some shared information about what we are offering to the community in the coming school year.
  • Pet Blessing In honor of Saint Francis, each October we invite everyone to bring their furry, fuzzy, scaly, feathery, two-legged, four-legged or no-legged pets to the front lawn for a celebration of the love and joy they bring to us.  The clergy blesses each and every pet that shows up, including those that are made real by love. 
  • Trunk or Treat is held on the Sunday before Halloween in our large upper parking lot.  Parishioners decorate their car trunks and ready themselves for a visit from each costumed kiddo with a handful of candy for their treat bags.
  • Saint Nicholas Visitation Saint Nicholas, Bishop of Myra, travels all the way from the 4th century each December to share stories of his life during our 10 am service.   He is the patron saint of children and has messages of love and encouragement to share with all.
  • Christmas Pageant Each year, we present a nativity play told in our own special way.  Kids bring their voices and good humor to this annual telling of the birth of Jesus and all those that surrounded him…kings, shepherds, sheep, sheepdogs, camels, an occasional mouse, and always a rooster!
  • Splish Splash Family Blast is summer fun at its best!  Families are invited for three summer afternoons of storytelling, art, science, games and lunch on the front lawn.