Resources List

Diocese of Oregon

Diocese of Oregon:

Diocese of Oregon Canons:

Diocesan Consultants Network:

Mission Plan for the Diocese of Oregon:

Supply Clergy list:

Audit Program for Parishes and Missions:

Administration (has descriptions of diocesan governance: Diocesan Council, Standing Committee and Board of Trustees)

Facebook page for Episcopal Diocese of Oregon:

Facebook group for Oregon Episcopalians:

Instagram page for Episcopal Diocese of Oregon:

The Episcopal Church

The Episcopal Church:

The Episcopal Church Constitution & Canons:

Manual of Business Methods in Church Affairs A comprehensive, user-friendly manual which supports the increasingly complex work of all treasurers and parish administrators. It includes forms, such as the Parochial Report Form, with instructions:

Transforming Churches – “Transforming Churches” is a series of case studies, prepared by the Episcopal Church’s Office of Research, which offers in-depth analyses of Episcopal parishes in many different contexts and geographical locations that were able to either reverse decline or continue substantial growth and find ways to thrive in the 21st century.

Studying Your Congregation and Community – You can display and print two charts and a community demographic profile. The two charts track membership, participation, and giving over the most recently available eleven years for your congregation and your diocese. These data are from annual Parochial Reports. The community demographic profile will give you a demographic overview of the area within a three-mile radius of your congregation’s physical location. Profiles of a larger area are available from the research office, diocesan and congregational ministries.

Other Episcopal Organizations

The Episcopal Network for Stewardship (TENS) The Episcopal Network for Stewardship provides webinars and other resources that are available for free through our diocesan membership:

Call the Diocese of Oregon for more information on how to access it.

Episcopal Church Foundation This is a great resource for Vestry/BAC leadership training, ideas & best practices for congregational life, outreach and church financeshttp://www.ecfvp.